# Checkbox

This page contains all possible variations of the VUE checkbox component.

A checkbox lets users select one or more values as part of a form process.


The checkbox component can ONLY be used as a single element

# Getting and Setting

# v-model

The checkbox takes advantage of the v-model syntax to sync values with a parent.

<GocoCheckbox v-model="isChecked" />
data() {
  return {
    isChecked: false

# Props and Events

When working with Vuex, you'll need to trigger a mutation rather than mutating a value directly. The checkbox exposes the checked prop and a changed event to enable this. You can bind the checked value with :checked="isChecked", and use the changed event to trigger a mutation or dispatch an action.

<GocoCheckbox :checked="isChecked" @changed="setChecked" />
computed: {
  isChecked() {
    return this.$store.getters.isChecked;
methods: {
  setChecked(value) {
     //  trigger a mutation, or dispatch an action  

# Default

  label="Checkbox Label"
  name="checkbox-default" />

# Custom Label Content

The checkbox makes use of slots. This makes it possible to nest custom label content inside the component. The slot content takes precedence over the label prop.


Any custom markup passed to the checkbox will need to be independently styled.

<GocoCheckbox id="checkbox-custom-label" name="checkbox-custom-label">
  <div>Custom label content</div>

# Sizes

# Small

  label="Checkbox Label"
  name="checkbox-small" />

# Disabled

    label="Checkbox Label"
    disabled="disabled" />

# Dark

    label="Checkbox Label"
    dark />

# Component props

Prop Type Default Description
id String Adds an ID to the checkbox and label 'for' attribute.
label String Adds a label with text to the left of the checkbox.
value String Adds a value to the checkbox.
name String Adds a name to the checkbox.
checked Boolean false Specifies that the checkbox should be pre-selected.
disabled String Sets the disabled attribute. This prevents users from interacting with the checkbox.
dark Boolean false Change checkbox to a dark theme for use on light backgrounds.
size String Change the size of the checkbox. Available option is small