# Installation

GoComponents Vue is dependent on styling from GoComponents CSS, so you will need to install both in your application.

To install these libraries, your project will have to be connected to our private npm registry.

To find out more, speak to a member of the GoComponents Team.

# Setup

To install latest versions of these libraries, navigate to the root of your app, where the package.json file is.

Run the following command using npm:

$ npm install @gocomponents/vue @gocomponents/css 

Now @gocomponents/vue and @gocomponents/css should appear in your package.json file as dependencies and you will be able to import them into your application.

In the example below we are importing all components in the library, these will then be loaded across your whole Vue application. We are also including the styling from GoComponents CSS globally.

import Vue from "vue"; 

import "@gocomponents/css/all.min.css"; 

import gocomponentsVue from "@gocomponents/vue"; 
